Introduction of School in Gurgaon – Raising a kid is a task for which you might feel least prepared but it is the most fulfilling job in the world. Here are some child-rearing tips that can help parents feel more fulfilled.

Set Smart Limits and Be Consistent with Discipline

Take responsibility: Children crave limits, which help them understand and manage an often confusing world. Show your love by setting limits so your kids can find and explore their passions safely.

Don’t lock your child’s wings. Your toddler’s aim in life is to be independent. So when the child is developmentally capable of putting the toys away, clearing plate from the table, and dressing himself, let him. Giving responsibility to the child is good for his self-esteem.

Don’t fix everything for them. Give young kids a chance to find their own answers. When you lovingly acknowledge a child’s small frustrations without immediately rushing in to save him, you teach him self-dependence and capabilities to recover from difficulties.

Discipline is not punishment. Setting limits is really about teaching kids how to behave with others and helping them to become competent, caring, and in control.

Choose your battles. Kids can’t absorb too many rules without complaining. Focus on the thing that really matters — which means no hitting, rude talk, or lying.

Build Your Own Quality Time

Play with your kids. Let them choose the activity, and do not care about the rules. Just go with the flow and enjoy.

Read together every day. Kids love listening to the sound of their parents’ voices. Cuddling up with your baby and a book is a great bonding experience that will set him up for a lifetime of reading habit.

Encourage daddy time. Kids who spend more time with their fathers do better in school, solve problems more successfully, and generally cope better with whatever life throws at them.

Make warm memories. Your children will probably not remember anything that you say to them, but they will remember the family rituals — like bedtimes prayer that you do together.

Be a Good Role Model

Be the role model. Kids usually learn by watching their parents. Imitating appropriate, respectful, good behavior works much better than telling them what to do.

Confess when you blow it. This is the best way to show your child as to how and when he should apologize.

Live a little greener. Show your kids how to care for nature. Waste less, recycle, reuse, and conserve. Organize an activity of picking up trash around the neighborhood someday.

Respect parenting differences. Support your partner’s basic approach to raising kids. Criticizing or arguing with your spouse will do more harm to your child’s sense of security.

Know the Best Ways to Praise

Give apt praise. Try to be specific about praising your child.

Cheer the good stuff. When you notice your child doing something helpful, let him know you really feel good. It’s a great way to support good behavior so he’s likely to keep doing it.

Talk about your kids.  Make praise more effective by letting your child find you whispering a compliment about him to Grandma or daddy.

 Trust Yourself

Trust your gut. No one knows your child better than you. Follow your insight when it comes to the health and well-being of your child.

Don’t accept disregard from your child. Never allow your child to be rude to you or anyone else. If he does, tell him firmly that you will not tolerate any kind of disrespect.

Pass along your plan. Let the other caregivers get in your child’s life — your grandparents, daycare worker, and babysitter — to help support the values and the behavior you want to develop in them. This includes everything from saying, sorry, thank you and being kind to not complaining.

Don’t Forget to Teach Social Skills

Engage your kids into “you” questions every day. The art of communication and conversation are important social skills which parents often neglect to teach. Ask questions about the day at school, activities at the party or plans for a picnic.

Teach kids this bravery trick. Ask them to notice the color of a person’s eyes to make eye contact. Making eye contact will help a child appear more confident.

Accept your kid’s strong emotions. Let your child talk it out, he will recover more easily. When your child’s breakdown is over, ask him, “How did that feel?” And listen to him.

Raise Grateful Kids

Tell your child how to become a responsible citizen. Find ways to help others. Kids gain a sense of self-worth by participating in social events and volunteering in the community.

Tell them why it is important to be a good person.  Read bedtime stories and ask your kid whether characters are being mean or nice and explore why. Tell them the consequences of being evil.

Explain to your kids the importance of values.  When you’re kind, generous, honest, and respectful, people around you really feel good and you feel good about yourself too.

Dinner Time

Eat at least one meal together every day. Sitting at the table together is a relaxed way for each family member to connect — a time to share news or talk about the day. It also helps develop healthy eating habits in your kids.

Let your kids place an order. Once a week, allow your children to choose what they want to eat and cook it for them.

Increase Brainpower & Physical Activity

Teach your baby to sign.  Simple signs can help you understand what the kid needs and even how he feels before he has the words to tell you — a good way to reduce irritation.

Keep the TV in the common room. Research has shown that children with a TV in their bedroom weigh more, sleepless, and have a lower intellect and poorer social skills.

Get kids rolling. The brain development in young children may be linked to their level of activities. Let your toddler walk instead of ride in her stroller, and create opportunities for your older child to get plenty of physical activities and exercises.

Health Advice All Parents Should Follow

Get your kids vaccinated. Outbreaks of measles and other diseases still create problems in the young ones in the country and throughout the world.

Protect that smile. Encourage your kid to brush his teeth twice a day which will guard him against cavities.

Be vigilant about safety. Baby-proof your home thoroughly and never leaves a child under age five in the bathtub alone. Make sure car seats are installed properly and insist that your child wears a helmet when driving his bike or scooter.

Let the baby go to bed sleepy but still awake. This helps your child learn to calm himself to sleep and prevents bedtime problems down the line.

Choose Lancers International Daycare Boarding School

At Lancers International School, the best daycare boarding school in Gurgaon, we strongly believe that the early years in a child’s life are extremely important.  Lancers Daycare Boarding School provides basic skills that help kids grow into mature, sensitive and responsible global citizens.

Our Primary School is also one of the most renowned Daycare Schools in Gurgaon with over 40 nationalities. At Lancers International Boarding School, we are committed to providing the highest standard of boarding life, with a team of staff who ensures the welfare of each child. The responsibility of the staff is to encourage kids and monitor their academic and social development.