Schools in Gurgaon

Schools in Gurgaon

The schools in Gurgaon are completely different from what they were a few years ago. Every parent wants to give their kid the best education and prepare them for the future. Therefore, schools and learning will continue to evolve to meet the needs of the ever-changing requirements of jobs and technology.

Technology has never moved at such a fast pace. Many people still think: what should the future schools look like? Parents choose technology more to improve the learning environment. Technology is moving quickly and it can enable us to do some amazing things. Parents also have this doubt- Will robots take over from teachers one day? Many educationalists now believe that is only a matter of time before robots begin to replace teachers in schools. There will always be a place for teachers but these machines will be able to offer more personalized learning.

At some schools in Gurgaon like Lancers International School, students learn to advocate for their ideas and themselves. It offers an international curriculum from Pre-Kindergarten till Grade 12 where the method of teaching is student-centric in an atmosphere that is good for active learning. The mission of the school is to:

  • identify the most effective teaching approaches, techniques, and ideologies,
  • encourage innovations and their adaptation to specific circumstances,
  • assist the creation of a community of parents and teachers who support each other in improving schools.

Aspects of future schools in Gurgaon

Schools in Gurgaon

Schools in Gurgaon

Parents usually go after the brand names but brand names are simply not enough in case of education. Therefore, technology will help schools in Gurgaon become more accountable to parents and to students in the future.

  • Individual attention and personalized learning

The size of the classrooms is getting bigger so even the best schools do have no time for individual learning. That is the reason parents send their kids for tuitions. But this is an expensive and even impractical option because tuition classes are not growing smaller in sizes either. So it is not easy to find the strength and weakness of a child. As a result, technology like artificial intelligence will make it easier for us to assess a kid’s weaknesses and strengths with accuracy and focus on learning in areas where it is needed.

  • Less time in school, more time on the field

The future schools will conduct most of the teaching outside the classroom. Through devices or through hands-on experience, students will explore the world to do much of their learning. Technology is so powerful that people who are unable to do a field will be able to unite people in remote locations and share ideas and experiences. Already there are many schools in Gurgaon that organize collective excursions, trips, walking tours etc. The number of such events will increase and they will become a part of the school curriculum.

  • Nurturing Entrepreneurship

Students have bigger dreams and entrepreneurial perspective. This quality is developed with time. Early year programs will help them play big so that they will be able to contribute to the country’s development. Therefore, the students develop not only their knowledge, understanding and skills but also develop entrepreneurial skills necessary for success in the 21st century.


Students will no longer carry schools bags. Paper and pen will disappear from the classroom. The library will be replaced by digital books, smartphones or tablets. Therefore, this will change a lot of things in schools in terms of information gathering, social networking and communication. Above all, there are schools where students learn online through “virtual schools”. The increase in virtual school will be the result of budget constraints, falling enrolments and more kids beginning to take subjects online. This will require technologically proficient teachers who can support them in their learning.